Datenschutzrichtlinie & GDPR

Die englische Version der gesetzlichen Vereinbarungen und Richtlinien gilt als die einzige aktuelle und gültige Version dieses Dokuments. Jede übersetzte Version wird nur als Service bereitgestellt, um das Lesen und Verstehen der englischen Version zu erleichtern. Übersetzte Versionen sind nicht rechtsverbindlich und können die englischen Versionen nicht ersetzen. Im Falle von Meinungsverschiedenheiten oder Konflikten haben die englischsprachigen rechtlichen Vereinbarungen und Richtlinien Vorrang.

Epsilon PS e.K. is not evil and we respect your privacy. Epsilon PS e.K. is GDPR compliant and provides supporting documents for further insight into our Data Protection practices. Please see our Privacy Impact AssessmentThird Party Information Sharing and Transparency Report pages in addition to this Privacy Policy.

User data

Epsilon PS e.K. collects and stores personal information, including the full name, company name and VAT ID (if applicable), billing address, email address, and source IP address for all customers. Credit card number and expiration date are stored with a 3rd party (Stripe) and Epsilon PS e.K. has no knowledge of your credit card information. We use your personal data to deliver our contractual services to you. Inquiries regarding the collection and use of personal information may be made via email to .

Your rights under GDPR

Under GDPR you have the right to access personal information that we processes about you.

You can request from us information aboutDescription
The personal data we hold about youAll the personal data we hold about you can be seen within your account
The categories of personal data concernedWe only require you to provide basic contact information to us; we do not ask you to provide
any „Special category data“ as defined by the GDPR
The purposes of the processingOur legal basis for processing this data is to deliver the contractual services to you
Details to whom your personal data has/will be disclosedPlease see our Third Party Information Sharing page
How long we retain your personal dataPlease see the „No soft deletion“ section of this Privacy policy

You may also request from us the following:

  • That we update any incomplete or inaccurate data about you
  • Request that we delete your personal data in accordance with GDPR

You can request account closure yourself through our support systems, this will delete all data we
store about you other than data that must be kept for legal reasons.

If you have any concerns about your rights or have any questions around this please contact us at .

No soft deletion

We do not believe in soft deletion. Once you delete a server or account, all data we have stored will be nuked from orbit. 

  • You cannot restore a server once it is deleted as all snapshots we might have had are deleted as soon as the server itself is deleted. 
  • You have about 3 weeks to revive a deleted account.

After which all knowledge we have ever had of you or your servers will be, for better or worse, gone. Account restoration will only be completed against a one-time fee of Euro 250,-. This is not a „fuck you“ sort of fee, we actually do need to spend time pulling out data from database backups and manually inject your data back into our live environment. In this case, it would be much easier to just sign up anew.

Please remember we are not a safe haven for criminal behavior, and will report any illegal material found, and cooperate fully with law enforcement to the same extent as any other hosting provider would.

Unmanaged Service

Customers bear sole responsibility for maintaining the security of virtual private server (VPS) environments maintained under their accounts. Customers are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with any and all applicable privacy guidelines and regulations for all jurisdictions in which they may operate with respect to appropriate practices for the collection, storage, and dissemination of personal information using their Epsilon PS e.K. server. In no event shall Epsilon PS e.K. be held liable for a customer’s failure to adopt and/or practice appropriate measures for safeguarding personal information stored within or transmitted through their Epsilon PS e.K. server.

Security and Data Integrity

Customer information is stored in electronic databases. Epsilon PS e.K. employs industry-standard technical safeguards, including but not necessarily limited to encryption of password and/or cryptographic key-based authentication controls on servers which house personal information, browser-based SSL encryption, and other storage system access control mechanisms to protect the integrity of internal databases and prevent unauthorized access. Unless otherwise indicated by amendment to this privacy policy, in which case customers shall be notified and given the opportunity to exercise the „opt out“ provisions discussed in this policy, personal information is stored only for use according to the purposes for which it was initially collected.

Third Party Disclosure

Epsilon PS e.K. transfers personal information to third parties under the following normal business procedures:

Epsilon PS e.K. discloses the full name, billing address, and credit card account information of its customers to a third party merchant processing provider for billing purposes (Stripe). Epsilon PS e.K. does not disclose customer information to other third parties except where required under applicable EU laws for purposes of investigation of criminal complaints, or where required by court order. We do disclose your IP address and Name and Email to certain third parties. Please see our Third Party Information Sharing page for further details.


Customers who cancel their account have ALL their personal information deleted from Epsilon PS e.K.’s databases, with the exception of:

  • network access logs, which may be stored for any duration of time at Epsilon PS e.K.’s discretion,
  • cases where financially fraudulent or otherwise illegal activity is deemed to have occurred (as determined by Epsilon PS e.K. management or law enforcement officials), in which case personal information may be retained indefinitely for purposes of ongoing investigation and prevention of fraud recurrence, or
  • cases where a customer’s violation of the Epsilon PS e.K. Terms and Conditions has resulted in cancellation of the customer’s account (as defined by revocation of the customer’s permission to utilize Epsilon PS e.K.’s services), in which case personal information may be retained indefinitely for purposes of prevention of further use of Epsilon PS e.K.’s services in the future by the offending individual.

Opt Out Provision

Customers shall have the right to opt out of any use of their personal information which is inconsistent with or beyond the scope of the purposes for which it was initially collected. In the event that, at Epsilon PS e.K.’s discretion, service cannot be continued without customer acceptance of such modifications to the ways in which personal information is collected and/or used, customers who wish to opt out of such collection or use of their personal information will be notified and offered a refund of any positive balance on their account with Epsilon PS e.K.

Enforcement & Applicable law

Please direct compliance inquiries to . This Privacy Policy and the relationship between you and Epsilon PS e.K. shall be governed by the laws of the European Union without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You and Epsilon PS e.K. agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within Germany and the European Union.


Amendments to this privacy policy may be made at any time and you should check back frequently for any changes. Epsilon PS e.K. will never make changes to this policy that result in less protection of your personal information without sending notice.